Frequently Asked Questions


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Is medical marijuana legal?

Federally cannabis is still illegal and considered a schedule I class drug. However, states can legalize for medical or recreational use without permission from the federal government.

how do i get a card?

  1. You must have at least one of the qualifying medical conditions.

  2. Seek out a state certified physician.

  3. Have an in-person exam

  4. The physician will provide you with a Patient Registry ID number.

  5. Use that Patient Registry ID number to register online at the State of FL Medical cannabis website or apply by mail.

  6. Receive you card and fill your recommendations at any local dispensary.

privacy and security

We are 100% secure and HIPPA compliant.

Where can I buy medical cannabis?

We will provide you with a list of local dispensaries that are nearby. You may choose to purchase medical cannabis at whichever one you choose.

Are there other qualifications to receive a medical cannabis card?

  • Qualifying condition

  • Florida resident

  • Age over 18

  • Tried other treatments without success

What is the difference between low-thc and thc?

All cannabis works in the cannabinoid receptors in the body. Low tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), as it says, contains low levels of THC and high levels of cannabidiol (CBD). CBD has no psychoactive properties and this does not produce the “high” that more concentrated versions of THC produce. Products that are THC contain highly levels of THC thus are more capable of producing psychoactive effects.

Can i get fired from my job if i test positive?

Although Florida is allowing patients with certain medical conditions to use medical cannabis, employers still have the right to hire/let go of employees as they choose. Having an official medical cannabis card does not make you immune to your companies workplace policies. Each employer is different thus some may not mind as much whereas others will be against it completely.

How much does it cost?

  • $200 for your initial evaluation with a state certified physician who will evaluate you and design a treatment plan.

  • $150 per follow up visit every 7 months. These are considered refill recommendations.

  • $75 application fee implemented by the state of FL Medical Marijuana Registry.

May i purchase medical marijuana if i do not have a qualifying condition?

No. Only patients with qualifying conditions will be evaluated and given recommendations. If you are unsure if your medical condition applies, please contact us for more information.

Does medical cannabis really work?

Cannabis can help alleviate symptoms for people who suffer from many illnesses and diseases. It acts rapidly, costs relatively little and has few side effects. Cannabis has made lives better for many patients.